This week started off wit the arrival of a new 'friend'. Yea GiGi sent some decoration to boss ma. So have to put it up loh. The set has a few stuff la but this one caught my (or everyone's, to be exact) attention. It's a 不倒翁 (dunno wut is this in english la) of the GiGi yellowman. Damn cute leh! Yea it's not moving in the pic ma, but when you come visit me, do give it a poke or two coz it's fckin hilarious when it sways around holding that '很旺' banner. Can visualise the '好紧要旺' ad everytime it moves around. We even gave it a name, '阿旺'. Seriously, it is that entertaining...
Why 'GiGi'? This has something to do wit the way foreign workers pronunce the telco. Instead of 'Dee Jee', they say it 'Dii Gee' like in 'gigi' in BM. LOL.
Mine's similar: Man comes to buy phone. Determined to get a certain model, says is for 8 year old daughter. Within few minutes done deal. Procedure done and off he goes. Next day whole family came, lady asks to change handsfree coz color not right. Found one and gave to her. Moments later returned. Asks why cannot work. Found out tak ngam model. Told her no more handsfree of the color she wants. She says that we're bluffing her and not doing honest business. Boss comes and continues persuasion. Lady says check on internet and the color should be matching. In the end she says going to check wit manufacturer, if got color she wants a refund.
K I'm starting to forget the stuff that happened 2 weeks ago, so here's the last pic of the post:
Part of our business is affected by the import of chinese mobile phones. The are almost everywhere. Everyday I walk past some shops to get to the mixed rice shop for lunch I see this banner about chinese mobiles. Damn they have one that looks like N77, wit touchscreen, TV and WiFi! And they dun cost Rm800. Seriously. The other day I read some book about phones (you gotta read some to kill time), there's this part introducing chinese mobiles. Damn one has 7 speakers (of coz only one is working), one has 4 camera lense (left, right, front, back, all 1.3 megapix!!), one catered to buddhists (features everything buddhist), one wit 8.0 megapix cam and a 'HiPhone', a clone of the iPhone. You see geng or not?
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