Monday, February 25, 2008

This is the boring-est it can get...

As the title suggests, it's still pretty much a dull week. Weekdays in the mall is really lifeless. Even the evenings are quiet. No joke man. Friday is ok a bit coz students end skool early ma, so they kinda lepak around at IOI la. But crowd =/= sales. Damn... But it does make the day fly faster when there's ppl walking around rather than a quiet mall.

Weekends are better. Better as in easier to pass the day. At least there's ppl la, coming to ask prices and buy some phones. But it's not that much of an improvement from the weekdays. Election, perhaps?

I'm bored of posting about how boring the job is. On to other stuff.

Upon realising that I still have 2 more weeks until my 'contract' officially ends, I really wanted it to end at that very moment. Not that I hated the job or what, but I think that it's time to think about some other stuff other than phones. I'll summarise the whole working experience next week when I'm done wit it.

I was thinking of ways to pass time. I bought a book, Oliver Twist. Coz I always see the movie adaptation of the novel advertised for HBO, I thought why not read the book since I have so much time? So I bought the book reprinted by Penguin Classics for Rm8.50 and started reading. At first was OK, where Oliver was born and mother died, got sent to a workhouse, got sold, ran away, joined a pickpocket gang, got away from them but they managed to get him back. Until this part I was starting to get bored wit the way this novel is written. It's over-ly descriptive. From the appearance of a guy to the atmosphere of a morning London market, it got down to the details. I dunno maybe this is why I never liked reading novels, no patience or no appreciation for the beauty of the language. Damn I stopped at the chapter where Oliver got sent to a place near a bridge where he thought that the guy (forgot name liao) was going to kill him.

I think I'll watch the movie instead.

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